The large number of eggs will hatch in 2-3 days.
The eggs hatch in about 40 days, and after a further 56-60 days they can attempt flight.
The clutch is three to five white eggs which hatch in 17 days.
The eggs hatch in approximately 18 days into small, white grubs.
The eggs are left to incubate by the light of the sun, and if successful, will hatch in 30-45 days.
Females lay approximately 135 eggs near a food source and will hatch in about 12 days.
The female will usually lay two eggs which will hatch in 17 to 20 days.
These hatch in two days and the fry are free swimming of the 5th day.
This batch is deposited near water, where the eggs hatch in 5-7 days.
The eggs hatch in about 12 to 14 days.