He was a prominent hat manufacturer.
His father, a prosperous hat manufacturer, moved the family to upper-class Larchmont, New York.
Rafelson was born in New York City, the son of a hat manufacturer.
The bride is a great-great-granddaughter of John B. Stetson, the hat manufacturer.
And bring them back to Charlotte and, sell them but in an, a, especially to the haberdasheries is that a hot, oh a hat manufacturer.
The resurgence was demonstrated by the doubling of the number of hat manufacturers in the town between 1861 and 1872.
It was originally built as a warehouse, believed to be for a hat manufacturer.
His father worked as a hat manufacturer in San Francisco.
Austrian hat manufacturers wept with emotion as they offered untold wealth for a single specimen.
His father, John Dooley, Sr. was a successful hat manufacturer.