A hasty wedding and a bridal voyage.
Her eyes betrayed her curiosity to know the details behind such a hasty wedding, but she was too well bred to ask awkward questions.
That night, Nanette helps him escape and, after a hasty wedding, they flee into the wilderness.
She was thinking of the abduction, the seduction and the hasty wedding.
But I've heard that the best cure for a bad reputation is a hasty wedding and a boring, ordinary marriage.
"Oh, dear, I should have never insisted on such a hasty wedding!"
The New York Times society page reported that this "hasty wedding ... made quite a little stir."
After our hasty wedding I was slightly tense lest he ask me when and how I had mislaid my virginity.
We were not discussing an unplanned pregnancy, a hasty wedding, and the subsequent financial muddle.
A few hasty weddings were celebrated and numerous dates were made.