The only recollections he had of his mother were those few hasty visits she made to him during the night.
Other hasty visits resulted in further publications.
Obeying the shrewd orders of Ned Turner, he had paid a hasty visit to the office of Anthony Saxon.
It seems to me that the genuine kindness and understanding of a humble handy man had a much more galvanising effect than a hasty visit from an 'expert'.
But to most of us permanently assigned abroad, New York wad a strange city, and in time America, on these hasty visits, seemed!
During a hasty 35-minute visit to the camp, the delegation interviewed two Chechen men and four women, the latter complaining that they had not been granted access to a lawyer.
Rebels Derides Visit But guerrilla groups greeted Mr. Joshi's hasty visit to Srinagar with contempt.
To keep from starvation, Jillo got a job as a paver's helper and worked in hasty visits to the jail during his lunch hour.
He made a hasty visit to Henry David to ask questions and conducted tests in the 8-ball, com- bining the information into an ethogram.
He offered him his hand, "I have heard of you," he told the lawyer, "but I don't think my hasty visits to Collinwood have allowed us to meet before."