Bolton is forced to make hasty preparations for his attack before their submarine base can be destroyed.
Burdened by a new, personal sorrow, Stephen made last hasty preparations for departure.
He closed the door and began his hasty preparations for the journey ahead.
In making our hasty preparations for the attack, we gave no thought to carrying heavy entrenching tools.
With the new force given less than two months to deploy hasty preparations began in Australia to ready it.
The hasty preparation had been a concern, but that was minor compared with some of Thomson's other worries about the expedition.
As we came nearer they halted, made hasty preparations for defence.
The hasty preparation was a problem, but Bolan got it done.
She gave everyone instructions, then all left to make hasty preparations.
After making that announcement, the twenty-nine-year-old brigadier general left them to their hasty preparations.