After hasty consultations the Hallanders supplied the required equipment.
There was a certain amount of consternation among the Chandim and a few hasty consultations.
There was, I imagine, a hasty consultation, and then they decided to go through with it.
The first time this had happened, two hundred kilometres higher, there had been a hasty consultation with Midway Control.
Here the captain joined them, having finished his hasty consultation with the courier.
Moreover, the commissioners said in hasty consultation the next day, what the boy asked was very little.
Over this there was a hasty consultation and then the leader barked an order.
Before they had gone ten yards, however, Pereira waddled towards them after a hasty consultation with one of his captains.
A hasty consultation with Marilla in the pantry resulted in a decision to let both children have their teas together later on.
A hasty consultation ensued, and it was decided to turn the vehicle where they were, then push out backwards to meet the police.