During the weeks of the epidemic, the few who remained well had been able to give only hasty burial to those who died.
The hasty multiple burials in the infant cemetery tell of an epidemic's swift toll long ago.
But as the crowd pushed into the hall, Palestinian officials diverted the coffin directly to the grave site for hasty burial.
They'd given the body as hasty a burial as their faith permitted, but he was now in Paradise.
They made their way back to the small island where they grudgingly gave the Russian a proper, if hasty, burial.
A hasty burial at sea, perhaps, to ditch the evidence of kidnapping?
Smith was given a hasty burial on the battlefield.
After giving him a hasty burial, Teru resumes his journey.
The statues were damaged when found, thought to have occurred during the hasty burial at a time of warfare or social upheaval.
The pair is on display at the Etowah site museum with a diorama depicting its hasty burial.