As Mark was leaving, Plode hastily sent a man to follow him.
When Schmidt heard of the order, he hastily sent an uncoded message at 17:15 claiming the city was taken, although this had yet to take place.
In return, she sends parents seeking work that David M'Bwakiem hastily sent in diplomatic diplomats already crowded with many years of unpaid wages.
When she receives notice that her father died, she hastily sends her mother money, along with a letter cutting off all communication from her.
Howells hastily sent a line to say that he had been sleeping "The sleep of a torpid conscience.
I hastily sent her a second telegram: "Just seen news of your grandfather's death.
Then Karel hastily sent a messenger, on two legs, after Rostov.
"It was me you told, Magician," Imbri sent hastily.
Then, learning that crowds had nevertheless gathered on the appointed morning, they hastily sent representatives to lead the demonstrators.
Xar hastily sends Haplo to Chelestra, the realm of Water.