The news is up-to-the-minute snippets tom from the agency printers, hastily rewritten by junior sub-editors and thrust under the disc jockey's nose.
The committee's recommendations were hastily rewritten.
Even after filming began, "Waterworld" was hastily rewritten and altered, driving up costs even more.
Instead, in an even eerier echo of 1984, history had been hastily rewritten.
The VFAX was quickly dropped in favor of a hastily rewritten VFX specification which was largely built around the 303.
But the losers said the winners had turned out to be the Kremlin's current favorites - and that the rules had been hastily rewritten to achieve that very result.
When Paul Usher left the programme in 1995, scripts had to be hastily rewritten.
However, a hardware bug with this chip prevented the initial design from working as anticipated, and the ROM code was hastily rewritten to handle the entire operation in software.
The episode "Starscreams Ghost" was originally written for Blitzwing, but was hastily rewritten to star Octane (who was a new toy at the time).
In the House, a resolution brought to the floor earlier this month with a sentence declaring American support for the treaty was hastily rewritten before House members voted.