Critics complained that these hastily produced books were poorly printed and cheaply manufactured.
He said that other hastily produced charts for other Congressmen came back from printing companies so riddled with errors that they were unusable.
The result is a hastily produced bill, heavily amended to correct its mistakes.
An album by the same title was also hastily produced and it also sold well.
A hastily produced third season consisting of teams of two was all but buried by Animal Planet before and during its airing.
A hastily produced movie about Cermak, The Man Who Dared, was released within months of his death.
Madam President, this report had to be produced hastily, and that may be the reason for its general nature.
The hastily produced Origin, we re told, is flawed.
The figure of 5,000 barrels a day was hastily produced by government scientists in Seattle.
They thrust hastily produced placards in his face that bragged, "70% Yes."