Sailing with the battleship HMS King George V (41), the battlecruiser HMS Repulse (1916), and 4 light cruisers, 'Victorious' was hastily deployed to assist in the pursuit of the German ship.
Nor can equipment be hastily deployed for live coverage of future demonstrations.
The strain gauges, external systems monitors deployed hastily across the bridge to keep track of the damage, all showed no change from the previous hour.
However, another section of McClanahan's battery and elements of Vaughn's brigade not sent to the left hastily deployed along the road between the villages of Piedmont and New Hope.
The surprised Imperials, alerted to the Swiss attack, hastily deployed themselves into battle order near the town of Lauterach and set up their artillery.
After West Ham scored twice more, hundreds of their fans invaded the pitch and riot police were hastily deployed.
After the Pearl Harbor Attack, The squadron was one of several hastily deployed to the Panama Canal Zone for the defense of the canal with the United States entry into World War II.
Hoghton's first taste of action during the Peninsula War was at the Battle of Albuera, where Stewart's division was hastily deployed after a Spanish withdrawal on the right of the battleline.
Her own heart was thudding and her hastily deployed seekersense detected nothing.
Reinforcing the 4th Marine Regiment and a predominantly British International Force, the 31st Infantry deployed hastily by sea to protect Shanghai's International Settlement.