Transfers ensure that operators have the opportunity to increase harvests, but that in doing so the fishery wide sustainable harvest level is not exceeded.
In that management plan, woodland owners must recognize wildlife habitat, protection of water quality, threatened and endangered species, and sustainable harvest levels.
The lower equilibrium point for the constant harvest level is not stable however; a population crash or illegal harvesting will decrease population yield farther below the current harvest level, creating a positive feedback loop leading to extinction.
Hydroponics works around the clock and conventional agriculture is capped at current harvest levels for fear of draining too much water from deep-root reservoirs and irreparably damaging the very ground we live on.
This allows high harvest levels when local weather conditions are favorable.
In two areas where harvest levels have been increased based on increased sightings, science-based studies have indicated declining populations, and a third area is considered data-deficient.
Provincial harvest levels (sport, commercial, and domestic)
Normal support for production is unfair in northern regions because the harvest level is always lower there.
Inevitably, these regional councils set harvest levels that could not be sustained.
Timber at the harvest level is going for less than one-twentieth its price on the world market.