Their lawyers said they were completely innocent and harshly questioned the woman's account.
Haringey council wrote a letter to Laming claiming that social workers who gave evidence were being questioned more harshly than other witnesses.
Through her lawyer, Joseph Barrett, Mrs. Moolenaar said she was unaware of the rape allegation at the time she harshly questioned the child.
Kamaraju questioned harshly.
But with no great ideological gulf separating them, the contenders are harshly questioning each other's character and competence.
Mr. Bainwol announced that change in response to Senator Norm Coleman, a Minnesota Republican, who harshly questioned the industry's legal tactics.
Harshly Questioned Ms. Evans said Bertelsmann's concern with cost-cutting became evident late last year.
Despite being questioned harshly several times he always refused to give any details on William's passage.
During the dispute, Dudley also harshly questioned Winthrop's authority as governor for a number of actions done without consulting his council of assistants.
Occasionally the scene moves to an Arab-American who works at the White House, who is being harshly questioned because he is suspected of having links to terrorists.