At least, he heard no familiar words, just the harsh, guttural tongue of Suinomen.
"Kill them," the neogi ordered in the harsh tongue of its hulking servants.
Strong though she was she had a harsh tongue, and was mean-spirited.
Gently he laid the head upon the ice, then spoke in a harsh tongue unknown to Ballistar.
He heard the dwarf curse in his harsh, guttural tongue.
She spoke to him in a harsh tongue, her voice rising at the end of the phrase in a question.
"May the Frost King spare your flocks," he said, in his own harsh tongue.
He had a reputation among undergraduates for a quick temper, a harsh tongue, and being easily annoyed.
"Djainway," he announced, following the introduction with a babble of words in his own harsh tongue.
A tongue harsh to the ear but useful, since it is used so much.