Some of the more harsh antibacterial soaps can actually strip the skin of its natural oils.
Bathing or hand washing too frequently, especially if one is using harsh soaps, may also contribute to xeroderma.
Using harsh soaps or very hot water can also cause acne to get worse.
The harsh soap they used reddened and cracked her hands.
Bathing too often, with water that's too hot, or with harsh or excess soap, can make things worse.
Noah carried Jenna up a narrow, dark staircase that smelled of dampness and recent, harsh soap.
Bathing too frequently, especially with harsh soaps, may contribute to dry skin.
He recommends bathing in lukewarm water without harsh soap and avoiding the use of any soap on lesions.
Irritants such as harsh soap, hydrogen peroxide, iodine, and alcohol aren't good for cleaning minor wounds.
In addition to steering clear of harsh soaps, look for a cleanser that is free of fragrance, chemicals, or alcohol.