Palestinian leaders said the army was exploiting the world's focus on the United States to impose harsh restrictions.
Some Administration officials also favor imposing harsh restrictions on imports from Iran.
The six said they would remain at the British Embassy until harsh restrictions placed on them after their release were lifted.
Although there was some liberalization between 1959 and 1967, the Greek military dictatorship re-imposed harsh restrictions.
The French presence as foreign masters was felt as a harsh restriction.
By the end of 2004 the reservoir was just 27% full and the government was forced to impose harsh restrictions on water use.
He is free to tighten the already harsh restrictions on the more than three million Palestinians who live there.
A fundamentalist regime took over Algeria's government in the early 90's, imposing harsh restrictions.
"I worry that doing nothing will lead to harsh restrictions later on," he said.
Accountants recently headed off harsh restrictions on tax advice that they could sell to companies.