The harsh desert was exposed and yellow, but there was no heat or sign of any change in the climate.
He continued his father's vision of gradually transforming the planet's climate from a harsh desert into a temperate one.
For two years she trained camels and learned how to survive in the harsh desert.
In the harsh desert, all the swarms should have shriveled up and died of "old age" many days ago.
The rest of the pictures are beautiful landscapes, many depicting the harsh yet fascinating desert.
It would help morale if they were rotated home after some months' service in the harsh desert.
Of course, the apparent incongruity of the lake in the harsh desert is what makes this place so special.
That requires reliable power - no easy challenge in a harsh desert where overburdened generators often break down.
Come, sit, hear stories of the harsh desert!
Some historians say he lost three-quarters of his army to the harsh desert conditions along the way.