The harrowing tale revolves around her mother's failing health and the mounting expenses.
The harrowing tale of a Nigerian girl forced into sexual slavery in London.
Some lost loved ones, and all have their own harrowing tales.
His most harrowing tales, however, come from the embattled precincts of American education.
"There have been cases of torture victims describing their harrowing tales in youtube," he said.
The book's publishing history is a harrowing tale of persistence in the face of frustration.
"Under and Alone" doesn't pretend to be more than what it is: a harrowing tale of undercover derring-do.
The harrowing tale of his own trek over the same ground makes clear how heroic Alexander's army was.
The first is a harrowing tale of wartime courage and suffering.
And the guy started telling me a harrowing tale - I couldn't really believe it.