The book tells a harrowing story where "truth is stranger than fiction."
But what stands out most are the harrowing stories of brutality that forced these people to leave their homes in the first place.
In this harrowing story redemption comes hard, if it comes at all.
Still, many of the people who are amused also have harrowing stories.
Much of this is familiar, even the harrowing story of her husband's breakdown.
There is not only a message behind the chapel, but also a harrowing story.
We'll also learn a few common myths about crashes and reveal some harrowing true stories of survival.
There are many harrowing stories here, from people who came for a holiday that turned deadly.
What does it mean, then, that his harrowing story and voice feel so remote?
It gave him satisfaction, though nothing else did, to tell us the harrowing stories of his life.