Yet the harrowing accounts of passengers made it clear that a tragedy would have been possible had many more people been on board.
It is a harrowing but inspiring account of one woman's struggle with overwhelming tragedy and her refusal to give in to prejudice.
She went on to provide a harrowing account of the haphazard way in which a jury arrived at the profound decision to put someone to death.
You have all the rest, and what must needs come now is but the brief harrowing account of what has brought me here.
The strongest episode in his book is a harrowing account of a couple of them using a car to run down a kangaroo.
He has also written a harrowing account of a trip to the North Atlantic on a trawler.
My harrowing account of frozen microwave pizza wrasslin ("a drama .
By describing life in the gulag in a harrowing personal account, it provides an in-depth, original analysis of the nature of the Soviet communist system.
A harrowing account of the ill-fated 1996 ascent.