The various Reformed confessions were viewed as harmonious voices of a common theological tradition, which was simply a distillation of the teaching of the Bible.
Brighter grew the golden light, gayer sang the birds, and the harmonious voices of grateful flowers, sounding over the earth, carried new joy to all their gentle kindred.
It was the sweet harmonious voice of Rosa.
Lodge's distinctive falsetto ranged from a high harmonious voice and his solid lead vocals were a major asset to the revised Moody Blues from this point on.
They both have rich and wonderful harmonious voices that you could just listen to all day.
The song brought together Iran's most elite entertainers, poets, thinkers, actors and singers in one harmonious voice pleading for freedom.
Once again here, in refined and cultured society, with harmonious voices about me, and dear, sweet, loving children whose winning ways make this cabin a true English home.
"Was it your harmonious voice that we were privileged to hear raised beneath our ill-fitting window a brief space ago?"
Queen Anne of England, whose only recorded grace was a "harmonious voice," was fat and plain.
The rapper is known for his smooth harmonious voice and being a "playa".