On the other hand, harmful mutations cause the organism to die or be less likely to reproduce in a phenomenon known as natural selection.
The desmosomes are composed of several proteins, and many of those proteins can have harmful mutations.
The People were cautious about harmful mutations, because they were more exposed to radiation hazards than were planet dwellers.
Almost all known harmful mutations are in exons and cause disease by directing a misformed protein.
A harmful mutation is a mutation that decreases the fitness of the organism.
In the older, more stable environments, yeast that reproduced sexually had fewer harmful mutations.
The environment cosmozoans live in- all the hard radiation, the quantum distortions- they'd need a means to guard against harmful mutations.
The old days when harmful mutations, the insane, the crippled, the physically weak and morally vicious were culled from society were over.
Until now, most genetic change in the human population since it left Africa has been thought to be either random or just the elimination of harmful mutations.