She said that no one in the area appears to have been directly exposed to potentially harmful metals or chemicals.
Many harmful metals, chemicals, and diseases are driven to, and removed from the body through, the skin.
It targets three particularly harmful metals: cadmium, lead and mercury.
However, this introduced a variety of issues, such as foreign contaminants (including lead and other harmful heavy metals).
This dust pollution has been shown to contain high levels of harmful metals, such as lead.
And just as cyanide dissolves gold out of the rock, it releases harmful metals, too.
Injected EDTA binds with the harmful metal and both are then eliminated from the body through the kidneys.
We should therefore also promote these alternatives, namely by excluding harmful heavy metals from batteries as much as possible.
As a result, this harmful metal will, in time, disappear from household waste, with a consequent benefit to the environment and to public health.