Energy Department officials said the plutonium was contained in exhaust ducts and therefore was not in a position to harm workers within the buildings.
College students, maintaining that free-trade policies harm workers, spoke out against globalization.
The official said none of the lawmakers he had talked to seemed to understand the provisions that could harm workers.
In short, they are well positioned to spot potential environmental crimes, particularly those that harm workers.
American officials say the illegal exports harm American workers and the dwindling domestic textile industry.
The idea is to identify and screen chemical ingredients so that toxic chemicals do not harm customers, workers, or the environment.
But $10 billion is a tiny part of a $7 trillion economy, and the estimate is best interpreted as evidence that immigrants do not harm native workers.
But Congress need not stand aloof as steady immigration strains local government and harms low-paid native workers.
Moreover, the report ignores the fact that the bank's activities are harming workers, the population in general and micro, small and medium-sized enterprises.
The administration said the reduction in payroll taxes would not harm current workers.