Those prices do not harm big farmers in the United States because they are subsidized by American taxpayers.
It also supported a study showing that the agreement would not unduly harm French farmers.
He has sponsored legislation and worked tirelessly to educate other Members of Congress about how the embargo harms American businesses and American farmers.
A class-action lawsuit accuses the developer of StarLink, a variety of bioengineered corn that accidentally entered the food supply, of harming American farmers through negligence.
At issue is whether the products will do more to harm farmers, consumers and rural communities than to help them.
The ruling that American corn was benefiting from Government subsidies and harming Canadian farmers was one of the final stages of an action that has strained trade relations between the two countries.
While conceding that the elimination of loan guarantees would harm farmers in her state, Senator Nancy Kassebaum, a Kansas Republican, countered that some principles go beyond economic interests.
This would be a serious public policy mistake that would harm most farmers and their fellow citizens.
If farmers are given a subsidy to produce cotton for the domestic market, while they could produce, say, rice, and get a higher price for it in the global market, that harms farmers.
The dramatic fluctuations in the price of food are harming farmers, consumers and even entire national economies.