According to the organization's mission statement, "We strive to promote sustainable development and to ensure that human activities do not harm other living creatures.
This especially applies to businesses whose operations may produce products or byproducts that could harm other living creatures and fragile ecosystems.
"We are forbidden to harm lesser creatures, and so you are fortunate; for to dissolve you into air would end all the annoyance."
But recently I discovered a threat which I do not want to harm creatures here, as though they were mine and I cared for them.
Even had he been free, how could he harm creatures who seemed wholly immaterial Shadows?
These meteors can harm the player's creature and other creatures.
I couldn't harm creatures like these.
A ghost is incorporeal, and can harm living creatures with either a touch or a gaze.
Confused, Scout approaches her neighbor Miss Maudie, who explains that mockingbirds never harm other living creatures.
The trick was to seal the caves without harming the bats, snakes and other creatures.