They tried to plant trap trees around hardwood stands, maple, which the beetles prefer to poplar.
More than 80% of the watershed is covered by coniferous forests (including Sitka spruce, western hemlock, and Douglas-fir), with the remainder being hardwood stands and unforested wetlands.
Another endangered species, the northern flying squirrel, lives in the spruce-fir forests and adjacent northern hardwood stands.
The National Park Service describes the Upper Peninsula Experimental Forest as "an undisturbed white cedar and mixed conifer swamp containing old-growth hardwood stands."
The carved hardwood stand was meant to raise the stone from the mundane realm to the sacred.
Many of the hardwood stands are cathedral woods, open and uncluttered by ground brush, well lighted by latticed sunlight.
The property has a variety of habitats from freshwater marsh to northern hardwood stands and pine groves planted by the Civilian Conservation Corps to reforest former farmlands.
Hemlock/northern hardwood stands are widespread, especially on mesic north-facing slopes (if modest enough to support woodlands), and on the lower reaches of south-facing slopes.
Hemlock/northern hardwood stands are again important, but "mesophytic" ecotypes such as beech-maple, maple-basswood, and rich mesophytic are also represented.
"That means the hardwood stands are safe."