The increased responsiveness I've experienced has been tantamount to a hardware upgrade.
Without major hardware upgrades, can the new models really be classed as "third generation" devices?
Still, releasing what will be, by most accounts, a fairly minor hardware upgrade is a risk.
Especially ones that require a hardware upgrade when none is really required.
In order to address speed concerns, several hardware upgrades have been incorporated into the Janet system.
When my desktop is running (down for hardware upgrades, money is tight so its taking a while) I average 180.
In most cases for colo, the client would have his own administrator visit the data center on site to do any hardware upgrades or changes.
After a hardware upgrade, it was also part of Generation 9 range sold between 2011-12.
It's the one Robocop would surely ask to have implanted at his next hardware upgrade.
If you're still not satisfied, consider some judicious hardware upgrades.