Some of these hardware choices may make it a compelling device, but the real differentiator is probably in the software.
Customization was required because hardware choices were not constrained by compatibility with any one popular standard.
A standard services ICC provides the same knowledge leverage as a best practices ICC, but enforces technical consistency in software development and hardware choices.
"We talked to a lot of customers, and we heard loud and clear that they wanted more hardware choices," says Chu.
UK marketing manager, Colin Starr, said that customers were more interested in software rather than hardware choices.
Some hardware choices, but a tight and controlled ecosystem.
Limited hardware choices.
Once the software is chosen, the hardware choice gets easier.
Not that I should really care since I won't be getting an iPhone 5, but I hope they'll keep the faith on making hardware choices based on quality rather than numerical parity.
The hardware choice is actually simple: standard IBM AT clones from several dozen different manufacturers are now powerful enough to handle mailing lists up to several hundred thousand addresses.