The small money value of profits earned on minor sales can be so quickly absorbed by overheads that the whole exercise is hardly worthwhile.
One might consider such a project to be hardly worthwhile, because available evidence suggested that this region was a relative backwater even in Indian terms.
Dodging bullets was hardly worthwhile; better to shoot fastest and best.
So damned many charlatans running around, it was hardly worthwhile picking out the real phenomena.
When they're easy, it isn't hardly worthwhile going out, you get such small money.
It's hardly worthwhile if you automate the whole process.
A slight but hardly worthwhile difference could be detected on the test cars.
"If it's not to do any good, then getting yourself thrown in jail for years is hardly worthwhile, is it?"
It works best for small ones, even down to egg size, but those are hardly worthwhile to work, unless they are really fine quality.
He should be up in an hour; it was hardly worthwhile going to bed.