The stitch in my side was hardly bearable.
Otherwise, the usual choice is between a beefy but hardly bearable tenor and a lyric voice that is often overwhelmed and cannot delineate phrases with the necessary strength.
I was once a staunch defender of Dylan's extraordinary voice, but now it's such a cracked nasal whine it's hardly bearable.
In 1961, I went from 160 pounds to 140 pounds and was unbeatable, though living a life that was hardly bearable.
By the time the golden envelope appears it's hardly bearable.
Other authors are more reserved about Iorga's value for this field: noting that Negoiţescu's verdict is an isolated opinion, Simuţ considers the plays' rhetorical monologues "hardly bearable".
The tension was hardly bearable.
If grace were always given immediately, and were at hand at the wish, it would be hardly bearable to weak man.
The economic reform which began in the absence of the market institutions and mechanisms has entailed extremely high and hardly bearable social costs.
It was hardly bearable to be so reduced.