President Fidel Ramos' hardline stance was a turnaround from his first position of distancing his government from the conference, while saying that it would be unable to stop it short of unconstitutional methods.
But its hardline political stance should be particularly shocking now, given all that we know about the impact of the pandemic on women and girls.
New Prime Minister Paias Wingti took a considerably more hardline stance, and angered the Solomon Islands, after a bloody raid on one island that was alleged to be supporting the Bougainvilleans.
Some Vietnamese officials have even begun citing China as an example of a nation that has successfully promoted free enterprise while holding on to a hardline political stance.
Some leading party figures, including René Lévesque, wanted to moderate the party's position, while others favoured a more hardline stance in support of Quebec independence Clair sided with the moderates.
He kidnaps Cartman, who understands that Mickey only cares about the election results because Mitt Romney would have taken a more hardline stance with the Chinese.
The attack further damaged US-Pakistani relations with many in Pakistan calling for a more hardline stance against the United States.
I'd sooner see a more hardline stance.
As ambassador, Moynihan took a hardline anti-communist stance, in line with the agenda of the White House at the time.
Under its acting chief, the American John Lipsky, the IMF has taken a more hardline stance.