One founding member, Faruq al-Qaddumi (Abu Lutf), continues to openly oppose the post-Oslo arrangements and has intensified his campaign for a more hardline position from exile in Tunis.
This led to the Iran crisis of 1946, and Byrnes took an increasingly hardline position in opposition to Stalin, culminating in a speech in Stuttgart on September 6, 1946.
Upon taking the throne, Shi Chonggui took a hardline position in relations with Khitan - refusing to subjugate Later Jin to Khitan, like Emperor Gaozu did.
With regard to the Israel-Palestine issue, the INFC adopts a hardline position.
He also believed the colonial government was not within the power of the English crown and government, a politically hardline position that contributed to the eventual revocation of the colonial charter in 1684.
When Moro was abducted by the Red Brigades in 1978, the Christian Democrats in government immediately took a hardline position: the "State must not bend" on terrorist demands.
Hanson became a national figure promoting law and order when he took a hardline position during the 1919 Seattle General Strike.
When Moro was abducted, the government, at the time led by Giulio Andreotti, immediately took a hardline position stating that the "State must not bend" on terrorist demands.
Others have maintained a more hardline rejectionist position, refusing all funding from the Israeli state and abstaining from taking part in the political process.
His more hardline position on the post-Start agreement put the brakes on Medvedev's desire to rush into an agreement - something that the military's top brass was also uncomfortable with.