Sharon was regarded as a hardened and aggressive soldier, swiftly moving up the ranks during the war.
Some of the hardened soldiers here today were the child soldiers of yesterday.
Get the few hardened soldiers, and the rest would lose their backbone and surrender or run.
But weeks into a space cruise with a bunch of scientists and hardened soldiers?
Even hardened soldiers, men who'd faced death every day for years, must have been taken aback by what they'd found here.
But he is also a hardened soldier, who knows that it is sometimes necessary to sacrifice individuals for the sake of victory.
She was a bad, naked slave, about to be sent to a hardened soldier with an obvious taste for rebels.
Long ago, the fate of those women brought tears to the eyes of hardened soldiers.
Skylitzes, hardened soldier though he was, turned his head and was sick in the snow.
Soon they shall return, hardened soldiers, veterans of Manhattan!