I picked a new hardback novel at random.
My hardback novel, like lots of others, is currently selling at almost half-price on Amazon, which no high street bookseller has been able to match.
The tomatoes and onions still come sliced as thick as a hardback novel.
A hardback novel for children, Flight of Fear by Carl Henry Rathjen was published in the US by Whitman (1969).
It goes without saying that we should forget hardback novels - except perhaps for libraries - and concentrate on the paperbacks which children and their parents prefer.
There was a large bookshelf at one end of the room that was filled by hardback novels and oversized art books.
But owing to the rise of semi-literacy 'serious' hardback novels, and indeed books in general, are nowadays bought on impulse on the design of the jacket alone.
And Random House is seriously considering raising all its prices to a round dollar figure so that, for example, a $19.95 hardback novel will cost $20.
The hardback novel: surprisingly resilient.
In addition, two hardback novels for young readers were published by Whitman Books, both by Talmage Powell: