In high school, Kinsey was a quiet but hard-working student.
But as the weeks went by, I saw how convincing the hard-working students could make their lives look after carefully preparing scenes.
At school, he was a hard-working but average student.
You can't question what goes on because that is denigrating hard-working students and teacher's.
It is possible for motivated, hard-working students to complete a standard high school curriculum in two to three years.
Our hard-working medical students just weren't getting enough sunlight, not even in the summertime.
Q. Could a hard-working student find the same information?
His family, friends and neighbors described him as a hard-working student with a great sense of humor.
She was one of the few who had come today to the library reading room, which normally is packed with hard-working students.
It is a high-energy program with dedicated and hard-working students.