In this family, the hard-working father was a good provider.
His relationship with his religious, hard-working father was less strong, and Alexander, with other family members, were later to become estranged from him.
But James was the hard-working father who kept the Evans family together.
Like a slow-thinking, hard-working father with a brilliant, erratic son.
He said he has discovered a recurring theme in their reminiscences: a hard-working father and a tough-minded mother.
Alan has been described as a good, reliable, hard-working father and well integrated into his community.
Trade schools, where hard-working fathers sent their sons to learn the family business, have been replaced by centers for the elderly and office buildings.
Asad was an impoverished, hard-working father of two and I was going to get him killed.
At the time of the Rising, Christie had been a merchant in the city, with a good business, newly inherited from a hard-working father.
The millions of strong, hard-working black fathers can do so, he says, by being role models and by reinforcing positive behavior.