Had a lifetime's hard-won wisdom fled him along with his health and strength?
It's one that reveals considerable hard-won wisdom, even if, as the author's note states, he now parks in a garage.
It's not hard-won wisdom that's being passed along - more like a celestial tip.
She is 24, older than most seniors, and she is light years ahead in hard-won wisdom.
You'll thank your extra pennies that she's put her hard-won wisdom and experience into a guide for the rest of us.
Many of the novels thought to embody the hard-won wisdom of old age were actually written by men and women in their 50's.
He offered the hard-won wisdom of his own past.
We must apply that hard-won wisdom to preventing future attacks.
Her mix of hard-won wisdom and amazing resilience keeps the film honest.
"In the end, somebody has to bend," she said with the hard-won wisdom of a Jamesian heroine.