A hard-edged voice could be heard over the buzz of the outboard motor.
Several hands slammed into him, pushing him back upright and he was simultaneously assaulted by a chorus of hard-edged voices.
"The goddamned Hadranics are coming closer every day," the Wheel heavy said in a hard-edged voice.
"He's no beast, but a thief with two legs, " Myrthin called as he approached the trio, his hard-edged voice chilling the sunlight.
"Get out of here," the captain snapped, his voice suddenly hard-edged and cold.
Eventually Skinner filled the silence in a hard-edged voice.
"Creslin," begins the Marshall in the hard-edged soft voice that is not meant to carry, "do you understand your role here?"
"Senior Agent Wylot here," a hard-edged voice announced.
He was using his bad-cop voice, hard-edged and nasty.
In florid angry runs of some of her arias she seemed a little overparted; at other times she showed an expressive voice, hard-edged but capable.