Find a secure place for your hard-earned income.
Families no longer invested their hard-earned income in the musical talents of their children as they once did.
The $2,000 tax on my "real property" is paid out of my hard-earned income.
How the IRS Works Some people think the IRS is an impersonal government agency that's just out to siphon the first of their hard-earned incomes.
Again it was argued that the poor should not have to pay for their own 'welfare' out of hard-earned incomes.
Then, at some point in the 1970's or early 1980's, we seemed to collectively decide that paying taxes on our hard-earned incomes had become an undue burden.
Most people in this municipality invest their hard-earned income for the education of their children through farming, employment, small businesses or through the remittances of a family member working abroad.
Their boats have been purchased by pooling the funds of three or four families, and they bring each man a hard-earned income of about $20,000 a year.
Where does any state come off urging its citizens to spend their hard-earned income or welfare checks unwisely?
Indeed, there is little point in paying out good money from hard-earned income merely for a name.