According to news reports, there are about 5,000 Naxalite followers in Andhra Pradesh, including perhaps 500 hard-core members.
American officials estimate there are about 10,000 hard-core members of the K.L.A., and up to 20,000 more irregular troops.
Palmer had a disappointing day for himself and those hard-core members of Arnie's Army.
His children would die too if they didn't stop thirty hard-core members of the sisterhood from rushing them with slashing knives.
In interviewing amiable subjects like the Uranians or hard-core members of the Christian Identity movement, he keeps his distance.
Israeli intelligence officials say there are probably as many as 20,000 hard-core members of the various factions, most of which are in the Gaza Strip.
For fun . . . There were seven other hard-core members, good fighters all.
Even the hard-core members, with their careful folders and "No Blood for Oil" buttons, were glancing at their watches.
The hard-core members, active members, there are probably 100, 75, maybe 50 in each gang.
By 1900 the party and union rolls listed more than 200,000 hard-core members, making it the largest secular organization the country had ever known.