They ran on side by side, in step so their feet slapped in unison on the hard-baked earth.
Since wild animals were not their only worry, his shovel also continued to grate without pause against the hard-baked earth.
As the night deepened she heard the sounds of a walking horse, the slow, rhythmic thudding of hooves on hard-baked earth.
The road led them down from the hills and across a plain of hard-baked earth laced with cracks as deep as her forearm.
The way the continuing rain turned to steam as it hit the hard-baked earth told him why.
The hard-baked earth had become soft mud.
The sound was dry and dusty as the hard-baked earth itself.
The gigantic stained tusks were so long and thick that the bull was resting the blunt tips on the hard-baked earth.
Zayn's head jumped from his shoulders and thumped on to the hard-baked earth.
The air shimmered with heat, the hard-baked earth cracked beneath their feet.