No, Aludra had wrapped a layer of hard pebbles around the powder inside each cylinder, and those pierced flesh deeply when they hit.
Words exploded from his mouth like small, hard pebbles.
The words dropped into the room, like hard pebbles.
Images came to his mind: He pictured the disturbance the stranger would cause, like a small, very hard pebble dropped into a loose-journalled complex of machinery.
It doesn't dissolve and make your food taste saltier; instead, it sits like little hard pebbles on top of it.
He brought his lips to her nipples and kissed them, then licked them into hard pebbles.
Slinging hard pebbles they would pop up in strategic places, hurl off a volley, and drop down again, only to appear in another place.
As he coaxed her tongue into his mouth and sucked it gently, his thumb brought her nipple to a hard pebble of need.
He saw past her clothes, she suspected breathlessly, and saw the hard pebbles of her nipples.