It happily consumes most any insect, no matter what the defense mechanism of the prey.
They finished their repast, Smash happily consuming all the refuse left after the others were done.
Ron is also uninterested in the strippers, but happily consumes the free breakfast buffet.
Many turtles are omnivores, happily consuming fruits, leaves, insects, mollusks, fish, frogs, ice cream.
We happily consume any amount of cheese strings, custard, chicken nuggets, steam-cooked bread, pot noodles and Colin the Caterpillar sponge birthday cakes.
Snakes happily consumed their own dead.
We have enough deaths and consumptions in the Attack File to know a white shark will happily consume a human being if it wants to.
If you don't, think of French pastries, or cheesecake, or whatever substantial sweet thing you could happily but guiltily consume a lot of.
It happily consumes those provisions and, in time, an oil-beetle crawls out of the tunnel a mining-bee so laboriously prepared.
Even those who will not eat medium-rare hamburgers happily consume medium-rare steaks.