What we hoped would happen largely has happened, perhaps because our expectations were realistic.
He also noted that people are realizing that the crash in the Tokyo market happened largely because of influences from overseas markets.
This largely happens when the members of a class become aware of their exploitation and the conflict with another class.
Protests largely happened in the middle of the night, as the military chose to run its convoys at night instead of during the day.
The increasing use of private cameras in law enforcement is happening largely beneath the public policy radar.
Mr. Clinton would make this happen largely by requiring employers to pay about 80 percent of the cost of covering their workers.
But that happened largely because the production was complicated, not because the movie was taken in for repairs.
The birth of sports psychology in Europe happened largely in Germany.
The article mentioned that it was happening largely after hours.
For all the glory of his career with the Giants, it happened largely by accident and through a violation of sacred postal regulations.