Those with the "most accurate knowledge of what is happening internationally will get the prize jobs," he said.
But if there's one thing that I think gets left out quite often in preoccupation with the dot-coms and the business-to-consumer aspect of the Internet, it's really what is happening internationally.
They felt it was the right thing to do, and they felt that the players had paid their dues and had been here when there wasn't a lot happening internationally for women's soccer.
The magazine releases an annual almanac to highlight key topics that happened internationally, in the U.S. and corresponding hurricane and tornado seasons.
Research on the physiological health benefits on laughter has been conducted for decades and continues to happen internationally by medical physicians.
The Trumbull Collective has a history of positive and unique exchange with activism happening internationally by bringing traveling plays, music, puppet shows, performance art, and workshops to the space.
This communication happens within a single network or may, in the case of international roaming, happen internationally, probably across a GPRS roaming exchange (GRX).
"Whatever we do," he said, "must be in concert with what happens internationally."
And it is a way of teaching young people about their local environment and connecting it with what happens internationally.
"And Japan just happens to be the bad boy of trade internationally."