Another hapless tourist caught up in Delhi's heated religious strife?
Better to sound like a hapless tourist.
One of the smaller cases bounced, cracking down one whole side, then rebounded like a grenade into a hapless tourist just above Kit.
The hapless tourist will be left behind.
Or, like our hapless tourist, for three minor moving violations in the last three years.
However, the hapless tourist who arrives in the middle of a fair has alternatives to taking the next train out of town.
A hapless tourist had once found himself faced with an irate Grant, who had threatened to toss him into the ocean.
New York's 700 licensed tour guides are often looked upon as little more than frustrated actors who dispense soporific, sometimes specious information to hapless tourists.
The idea of a tourist trap is to get hapless tourists to visit a well-known attraction, mainly for the purpose of taking their money.
The hapless tourists came to Antigua 4-0 down.