Drada was hauled back to the present, even as the hapless prisoner was dragged from the hall.
They remove the hapless prisoner and take him back to his cage.
He killed with his hands, sometimes by strangling his victims slowly, at other times gouging his thumbs through the eye sockets of the hapless prisoners.
Those who lost the games were sent to a "Dungeon of Gunge" - an enclosure directly beneath a large nose, which expelled gunge onto the hapless prisoners.
There were a lot of broken bones and bodies from cell doors snapping open and slamming shut with lethal force against hapless prisoners or guards.
Thus Luthien rescued Beren, and set free many hapless prisoners of Sauron.
Soon the bunk will be filled with another hapless prisoner, but the song will remain unsung.
The derro guards nervously watched as the berserk savant vented his rage against the hapless prisoner.
Thousands came, grim and frightening, their hard yellow faces twisted with jeers as they called to the hapless prisoners that marched past them.
Did they have anything to do with the shadows, or with the men who evidently created the shadows from hapless prisoners of war?