The old man wheeled and faced a clock that hung on the wall opposite the door.
A wooden clock the size of a table hung on the wall opposite the stairway, ticking loudly.
The room was bare, except for the staircase, and a pair of indifferent watercolours of dead flowers that hung on the wall opposite the door.
The poster paper had two holes punched into its narrower edge and was obviously meant to hang on the wall opposite the window.
Then he looked at the velvet picture of a mountain that hung on the wall opposite the sofa.
An ancient framed tapestry hung on the wall opposite the door, its woolen threads ravaged by time.
He noticed that she was looking at the print hanging on the wall opposite the mirror in the hallway.
Her reflection in the mirror hanging on the wall opposite the bed looked as though she were long dead, with glazed eyes and putrefying flesh.
Soon enough, Drishti sees a vision of Natasha hung to her death opposite a river.
Mam says we should bring the poor Pope up to hang on the wall opposite the window.