Four gold rings decorated each ear, and three heavy gold chains hung at his neck, including one with a perfume box.
The duplicate keys to all the boxes were still hanging on their rack, including the few which Hilbert had snatched and returned to their places.
The cathedral has 13 bells hung for change ringing, including a flat sixth bell.
It's large (1,100 rooms), sleek and modern, with contemporary art hanging everywhere, including the elevators.
At one point, four separate stories are hanging in the balance, including that of old Erronius.
Do you admit being with them near Trivero, when they hanged many faithful Christians, including an innocent child of ten?
The president didn't like that answer, especially when thousands of lives were hanging in the balance, including his daughter's.
It was a bluff that worked because no one wanted to hang the department's dirty laundry in public, including Harry and Blues.
They hang their own people, including children, and also send terrorists to neighbouring Iraq.
Many old vinyl records are hanging in the two story court, including numerous posthumous awards.